Geotechnical Assessments

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Red Jacket has a team dedicated to geotechnical assessments and design in the Taranaki and Whanganui Regions. With an in house Chartered Geologist (PEngGeol), we have the capability to ensure your project assessed by the appropriately.

Our teams geotechnical engineering capabilities include:

  • Subsoil investigations and reporting including small scale hand testing to large scale mechanical testing
  • Shallow and deep foundation assessment and design including residential, commercial and industrial
  • Slope stability assessment and mitigation design including piled foundations, retaining walls, MSE walls, slope stabilisation
  • Liquefaction and lateral spreading assessment and mitigation design inclusive of TC2/TC3 type foundations
  • Roading pavement analysis and design
  • Earthworks assessment, design and certification
  • Erosion and sediment control design and monitoring
  • Construction monitoring and certification
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